Thursday, March 3, 2011

Event Planning – How to Gain Experience

Experience is very important in event planning business. An experienced event planner can offer much better services than a new beginner. This is because event planning is not a natural talent, but a skill to be learned through many years of experience. Therefore, if you want to be a successful planner, you should grasp every opportunity to gain more experience.

What follows are three ways through which you will acquire experience at a faster speed.

1. Be a free planner when necessary.

If you value experience the most, you should not think of making money all the time. Some activities are not held for the purpose of generating revenue, and therefore their funding might be extremely low. In such case, you should voluntarily offer your services and charge no fee. By such act you will not only train your abilities but also earn the respect and trust of the sponsor who in the future might entrust bigger activities for you to plan.

2. Attend the activities organized by other planners.

If you stick to your own way of planning, you will never make great progress. Attending the activities planned by others, especially reputed planners will greatly broaden your horizon and make you see your own limitations. When attending a well organized activity, do not forget to take with you a notebook to note everything helpful down. In your spare time, go over the notes and try to apply them to your own way of planning. If you are moving to India and wants to learn Hindi, visit Rocket Hindi.

3. Learn from your mistakes.

When you make a mistake when you are organizing an activity, you might feel humiliated and hope to forget about it so that you will not feel the humiliation and the pain. However, if you want to acquire more experience, you should remember all your mistakes and try not to repeat them ever again. At any rate, it is true that mistakes teach the best.